HR Considerations During the Pandemic

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It has been a year since the pandemic started, but workplace legislation continues to change often as provinces adapt to COVID-19 developments. For businesses, this means constantly having to keep up with the latest news and ensuring their workplace is complying with the law.

HR and health & safety support

Business owners have enough to worry about without the additional burden of constantly checking the news and updating workplace documentation. Small businesses often do not have an HR department to follow and implement new requirements. This burden often falls on business owners or existing staff, leading to them being overloaded with work or to the changes not being made.

That’s where getting expert support with your HR and health and safety functions can benefit your business. Having help keeping track of the workplace’s compliance with the law gives employers peace of mind and the opportunity to focus on actually running the business.

Employment changes in the last year

It is safe to say that the world of work has changed drastically during the last year of the pandemic. Businesses have to ensure health and safety protocols are being followed in the workplace, manage staff in new ways, handle their concerns over safety and ensure that operations continue in a way that is safe for workers, visitors and the business.

Having solid employment contracts, clear employee handbooks and the right workplace policies not only set expectations for workers, but also protects your business.

COVID-19 policies

Alberta’s laws currently require businesses to operate in compliance with a set of health and safety rules meant to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and its variants. Updating your workplace policies on safety procedures in the workplace is a crucial step in enforcing the requirements of employment law. With policies on distancing, hygiene, screening, contact tracing and self-isolating, business can stay complaint, prevent workplace outbreaks, and make their expectations of workers clear.

Vaccination and workplace testing

As vaccination programs continue their rollout across Canada, this raises several HR questions for employers. Can employers require employees to get vaccinated? How should they manage unvaccinated staff?

Private rapid testing for COVID-19 in the workplace also comes with legal and HR considerations for business owners that wish to do so. Going forward, employers must be clear on their obligations and the rights of their workers when it comes to these areas in order to avoid human rights claims, constructive dismissal claims, discrimination, or violations of privacy.

Remote work and hybrid models

Some businesses may also have staff working remotely and will be considering whether to return to their pre-COVID work models or switch to permanent remote work or a hybrid work model. These changes will also require updates to workplace documentation and bring their own HR challenges.

Make sure your business is set up for success with the right workplace documentation by speaking to our experts. Peninsula is an HR and health & safety consultancy serving Alberta’s small to medium-sized businesses. For more information on our services, or to book a complimentary consultation, contact Katrina Roldan at: 780-339-0358 or

Julie Geldart