As a catalyst to connect members from the business community to work together for the common good, the EBA provides a variety of programs, services and initiatives to better serve the city’s business community.
EBA invites guest speakers to monthly breakfasts / luncheons where members receive an opportunity to learn and to voice areas of interest, or concern, to their companies and to the membership.
EBA holds its evening networking mixer every last Thursday of the month (except for July and August) from 5-7PM. EBA is the only business association in Edmonton with a dedicated day for its evening mixers. EBA events are held every last Thursday of every month and welcomes members and non-members alike to network, share resources with other entrepreneurs and find potential clients or partners.
To host an EBA Mixer at your establishment, please contact us.
EBA Mixers
EBA Luncheons
The EBA regularly holds an information-rich luncheon with industry leaders from Edmonton’s business community and government. Luncheons begin with networking opportunities followed by information sessions about a number of topics, from cannabis to human resources to
personal branding.
Member-only Lunch & Learns
As part of EBA membership, the EBA will offer member-only events over the lunch hour for timely topics affecting the small business community. These Lunch & Learns will only be made available for members and are often free.
EBA E-Newsletter
Sign up for the EBA newsletter! Stay tuned in to EBA events and other activities relevant to Edmonton Metro’s small business community.
EBA & Partner Mixers
EBA may also host joint mixers with other organizations, such as the Kingsways Business District, Edmonton Chamber of Commerce or Northern Alberta Transportation Club. Should you wish to host a joint mixer, contact us.
EBA Social Media
The EBA shares valuable resources about Edmonton’s small business community through a variety of channels, including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram. Follow and engage with us!
“EBA also offers learning opportunities and forums for where individuals and businesses can enhance
their knowledge and network on a regular basis.”