Joining the Board of Directors for the Edmonton Business Association (EBA) is a fulfilling opportunity to help make a difference in one of Edmonton’s oldest and most established business associations. We are looking for dedicated Board members with well-developed leadership skills and strong professional networks.
About the EBA Board
The EBA board is a group of volunteers who donate their time and effort for the greater good of the EBA and Edmonton Metro Region’s business community. Set up as a working board, the majority of the decisions are made, driven and executed by the Board.
Positions on the Board consist of a President, Vice President, Treasurer and up to eight (8) at-large Board members. Board members can take on roles and responsibilities including: knowledge, communications, membership, sponsorship and social.
EBA Board Expectations
The Board term is one (1) year. Board Members will spend 4 – 6 hours per month on EBA-related tasks. This includes: preparation for and attending Board meetings, corresponding by email, fulfilling action items from the Board meetings and taking an active role in committees. All Board members are required to attend at least four (4) events per year on behalf of the EBA Board in addition to 90-minute Board meetings held the first Tuesday of the month starting at 11:30AM (Sept – Nov, Jan – June)
How to Apply for a Board Position
Only current EBA members in good standing are eligible for Board positions. If a candidate is not yet a member, this can be done online at www.yegba.com.
Nominees must be at least 18 years of age and an active member of Edmonton and Greater Edmonton’s business community.
All nominees submit a completed application form (below).
Submitting an Application
The EBA nominating committee, consisting of current Board members, will create a file for each nominee that will include his/her completed nomination form. All indicated areas of interest by the nominee will be included in the file.
If no boxes have been checked in the application, the nominee will not be considered. The selected nominees will be added to the ballot and EBA members in good standing will vote to elect Board members. Voting will occur at least five (5) weeks before our AGM. Results will be announced at the AGM.
Please submit the completed form no later than Thursday, November 30,2018. All information submitted will be kept strictly confidential and used by the EBA Board for nomination purposes only.
Equal Opportunity and Access
Equal opportunity to participate in and benefit from sitting on the EBA board is provided to all individuals regardless of race, origin, colour, sex, sexual orientation, religion or disability.
Thank you for your interest in becoming part of the EBA Board of Directors. We encourage you to take an active role in the organization, whether as a Board member or volunteer. Board committees are open to all members and there are additional volunteer to help shape our Association.
Thank you for your interest in applying for the EBA Board of Directors. We would like to welcome you, and encourage you to take an active role in the organization, whether as a Board member or as a volunteer. Board Committees are open to all members and there are additional roles the volunteers can take and help shape our Association.