EBA Member Exclusives
The Association has a rich history of supporting the development of businesses in Edmonton by providing networking and educational opportunities. An EBA Membership provides you with the tools for success.
Event Spotlight
The EBA is pleased to offer another valuable feature for being a member! You are now able to submit upcoming evens to be published in our monthly newsletters.
Events must be submitted by the last week of every month to be posted in the newsletter the first week of the next month.
Up to 6 events per newsletter that have been submitted to the EBA will be published.
Members can only submit one event every two months.
All events details should be displayed in an image that will be supplied by the member. Image sizing should be 1:1. The image will be linked to the event page.
Please submit all events to Julie at admin@yegba.com
EBA member PERKS
FREE Membership Opportunities: All current EBA members that refer three new EBA members will receive their next years membership free!
Social Events: Networking is what we are all about! Join fellow EBA members monthly for our networking mixers.
Knowledge Events: Keep up to date on relevant information for small business through our monthly webinars with featured guest speakers that are FREE for EBA members. All EBA members are welcome to submit webinar topics.
Business Directory Page: As part of your membership EBA members have access to an online EBA business directory to further your online reach and content exclusively with other EBA members.
EBA Member Offers: EBA members can load special offers exclusive to other EBA members.
“EBA provides an open friendly forum for professionals to share their ideas and discuss current market business topics.”